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Funding Partner (EED) Visit

Funding Partner (EED) Visit

  • 21st Mar, 2013

Kristen Gade of EED (now BftW) made a monitoring visit in SAHAS-Nepal’s central office on 21st March, 2013.The discussions were done regarding the project extension, completion of CEP and integration of CEP in to other projects. Further, issues related to Reserve Fund, preparation of Draft TOR for final evaluation of CEP and extension of working VDCs in LIFT project of 3 districts were also discussed during the visit. Questions were also raised by Kristen on the negative outcome of the CEFALSproject and how the organization is dealing with it. Dr. Surendra Shrestha also requested to promote SAHAS Nepal’ development interventions and working approaches in BftW and other I/NGOs and organizations in Germany. She was positive on the request to start from BftW. She also shared invitation of Nepalteam in the future. The visit was effective in understanding the situation of the project and also this result in better relationship which ultimately leads to stronger connection.