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Workshop: Strengthening Outcome and Impact Orientation (OIO)

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Workshop: Strengthening Outcome and Impact Orientation (OIO)

  • 11th Apr, 2018

SAHAS Nepal organized Outcome Impact Orientation (OIO) Workshop from 3rd to 5th April on Pathik Foundation, Satungal. The main objectives of workshop were to familiarize the key terms and concept of OIO, enhance knowledge on effect chain, monitoring, data collection, analysis and progress report writing with reference to BfdW (Bread for the World) reporting format as well as enhance knowledge and skills of co-facilitators (Project Coordinators) of SAHAS Nepal on OIO facilitation and coaching. Ms. Bashuda Gurung facilitated the workshop along with the SAHAS Project Cordinators. A total of 15 participants were trained in workshop from CEFALS, LIFT and CDM projects.